
Ferret Guardian Rescue Haven

50/50 RAFFLE


Raffle #2 is over. Raffle drawing was held September 6, 2008. Winners list is here.

Thank you for your support!



Raffle #2, 50/50


Here's your chance to win $$$CASH$$$

Our 50/50 Raffle will run for 2 months, giving everyone plenty of time to buy tickets for a chance to win a nice chunk of cash.

All money collected for tickets sold in our 50/50 raffle will go into the pot. At the end of the raffle, the lucky ticket holder wins half the accumulated cash. Half goes to the winner, half goes to the Natural Area Fund. It will be split 50/50.

We will display the total amount of $$$ in the pot, updated daily.

Total = $200.00